Number of modules | |
A Date in 1 (AD1) | 12 |
Anger Management (AM) | 13 |
Building Relationship | 13 |
Centering Yourself (CP) | 2 |
Confronting Criminal Thinking (CCT) | 20 |
Denial Management (DM) | 12 |
Domestic Violence (DV) | 14 |
Financial Literacy (FL) | 10 |
Gang Awareness & Recovery (GAR) | 15 |
Insight #1, #2, #3 | 3 |
Insight: Written & Panel both required | |
Insight Modular Format (IMF) | 12 |
Parenting (PAR) | 24 |
Recovering from Racism (RFR) | 16 |
Survivors:(SRV) Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse | 18 |
*Turning Point (TP) life skills-oriented course | |
Turning Point I Modules 1-8 | 40 |
Turning Point II Modules 9-16 | 40 |
Victim Awareness (VA) | 15 |
Victim Impact Program (VIP) | 15 |
Wellness & Recovery (W&R) 12-Step Substance Abuse Study | 18 |
Upon the completion of each course, a Recognition of Completion (ROC) is sent to the participant for her/his personal file.
All of these correspondence courses can be done through an approved facilitator at the prison or can be mailed directly to the PREP office:
MAIL TO: PREP: Course Request
P.O. Box 77850
Los Angeles, CA 90007
AD1 is designed to encourage deep soul-searching in order to meet the expectations of the Board of Parole Hearings. Topics include preparing for the consultation hearing, strategic planning, attitude at parole hearings, the psych evaluation, addiction, gang affiliation, dealing with a parole denial, and establishing relationships.
AM looks at how one can take the time to breathe, to think and step away from the brink of bad behavior. This course encourages some deep down soul-searching, recognizes triggers and coping skills to understand that stressors will continue to exist and can be addressed in an effective non-violent manner.
CP looks at the impact of cell phone usage in prison on self and family.
CCT looks at what led me to my way of thinking and acting like a criminal and what steps I need to take in order to change to rehabilitative thinking and actions.
DM is designed to encourage deep-down soul-searching to recognize patterns of denial and establish coping skills to understand that stressors will continue to exist and can be addressed in an effective, non-violent manner. Lesson topics include: What is Denial Management? The Tendency to Lie to Ourselves. Recognizing My Denial Patterns. Understanding Denial—The Human Condition. Evaluating Your Denial Management Skills.
DV addresses the need to improve communication skills at home, social behavior in the workplace and within the community.
FL course provides knowledge and skill development with the goal of helping participants understand best practices in money management, like how to save money, build credit, and develop a budget before and after their release. Financial literacy allows an individual to understand and maximize whatever level of income
they can transform their lives, bringing positive daily habits and self-esteem.
GAR addresses the options available to those with the courage and determination to leave the gang lifestyle and move into the mainstream of society.
IGD is designed to encourage further introspection following a finding of suitability by the BPH. It prompts the participant to continue a positive program and avoid complacency or getting too relaxed following a parole grant. The course explores areas including Making Good Use of this Waiting Time, Facing Unknown Fears, Challenges vs. Opportunities, Finding Power in Peace, Avoiding the “I Gotta Catchup” Trap, How Do I Make Good Decisions, Trust, Relationships, The First Month Out and other topics specific to the first 6 months after release.
PAR focuses on skills to improve family relations and healthy child development through self-examination. (Are we good examples for our children to emulate?).
PTSD is designed to encourage deep-down soul-searching to recognize triggers, establish coping skills, and address stressors effectively in a non-violent manner. Lesson topics include: What is Trauma?; Unresolved Trauma; Transgenerational Trauma; A Step Toward Healing; Sharing My Trauma; Knowledge In Practice and more.
RFR aims to help you understand racism and develop skills to address it nonviolently. Lesson topics include an introduction to race and racism, a historical look at racism, how people become racists, the influence of previous generations, the connection between social and economic status and racism, understanding hate and hate crimes, racism in the prison system, exploring tolerance, and the impact of gangs and movements.
SRV looks at how childhood sexual abuse affects the adult survivor and the power of breaking the silence.
TP teaches life skills by providing the tools for inmates to find the reasons for their criminal behavior and correct this behavior.
VA is designed to focus on the participant and his victim(s), putting him in the shoes of his victim to better understand the impact and magnitude of his crime. Lesson topics include: What is Victimization? Who is a Victim? The Effects on Victims (and their Loved Ones)? Accepting Responsibility? Accountability? Remorse? Forgiveness? Making Amends? Change?
VIP examines the many aspects of and the difficulty of acknowledging sexual offenses and the honesty needed to change.
W&R is a course based on the 12 step philosophy.